About 8People

Teacher Standards

Teachers in a school have their own learning needs, just as students in school class do.  8People individualises professional learning.

8People has been created as a reaction to the vague so-called ‘aspirational’ standards that exist as requirements for teachers in many school systems.

Here are some examples.

Promote a collaborative, inclusive and supportive learning environment.
[Practising Teacher Criteria – New Zealand]

Select and use relevant teaching strategies to develop knowledge, skills, problem solving and critical and creative thinking
[Australian Professional Standards for Teachers – Proficient level]

Impart knowledge and develop understanding through effective use of lesson time.
[Teachers’ Standards – England]

Teachers function effectively in a complex, dynamic environment.
[North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards.]

Anyone reading these four examples would agree that they each name a necessary characteristic for teachers.  The four jurisdictions would claim that their sets of standards can be used to check on the competence of their teachers, or to guide professional learning.  But they can’t.  These so-called standards lack detail.  It is not possible to determine whether a teacher meets the standard because nothing measureable is stated.  And without specificity, it is not possible to use these statements to guide professional learning.

8People delivers the details.  8People can sit alongside the professional standards of any education jurisdiction and provide measureable and specific standards to drive teacher appraisal or professional learning.